Melontareissu Mo I Ranaan on takana. Vesitilanne oli huono, koska parin päivän vesisade pohjalle oli nostanut mm Unkerdalenin ja Lönsdalin veden korkealle. Ylä Ranalta ja Grönfjellågalta löytyi onneksi jotain melottavaa vaikka vedenkorkeus oli näihin jokiin alhainen. Grönfjellåga on ok pätkä, kun vettä on riittävästi. Liika vesi taas tekee pätkästä vaarallisen, koska joki menee välillä kapeaan kanjoniin josta akanvirrat häviävät helposti. Veden korkeus on parasta arvioida take outtia edeltävältä sillalta. Jos joki näyttää tässä siltä, että kajakilla pääsee kivuttomasti ilman suuria pohjakosketuksia on virtaama oikea. Mikäli joki virtaa tässä vuolaasti on vesi liian korkealla. Käymisen arvoinen pätkä, joka sisältää muutaman isomman möläyksen ja teknistä kanjonia. Vaikeusaste on kokonaisuutena max 4, poikkeuksena ensimmäinen iso möläys, joka luokkaa 5.
Kayaking trip to Mo I Rana is now behind us, and first river to have pictures from is Grönfjellåga (actually, "ö" should be written in a norwegian way, with a line going through "o", but can´t find it from my keyboard...). This river had quite low levels, while other side of the watershed the levels (Unkerdal and Lönsdal) were too high. Well, too high for us anyway.
Grönfjellåga has some great potential when the water level reaches the "adequate level", as the norwegian guidebook puts it. Somewhere in the middle section of the river there was a fine slide next to the double drop line, which would be great to go when ever river reaches this adequate level. Now it was a bit rocky, uhh... level is quite easy to check, because river flows next to the road at take out section, but when heading towards put-in you can see it disappearing in to the green canyon. In norwegian, "grön" means green. Anyway, a very nice canyon with very nice cataracts and slides when water level is...adequate.
Put in
Take out
Kayaking trip to Mo I Rana is now behind us, and first river to have pictures from is Grönfjellåga (actually, "ö" should be written in a norwegian way, with a line going through "o", but can´t find it from my keyboard...). This river had quite low levels, while other side of the watershed the levels (Unkerdal and Lönsdal) were too high. Well, too high for us anyway.
Grönfjellåga has some great potential when the water level reaches the "adequate level", as the norwegian guidebook puts it. Somewhere in the middle section of the river there was a fine slide next to the double drop line, which would be great to go when ever river reaches this adequate level. Now it was a bit rocky, uhh... level is quite easy to check, because river flows next to the road at take out section, but when heading towards put-in you can see it disappearing in to the green canyon. In norwegian, "grön" means green. Anyway, a very nice canyon with very nice cataracts and slides when water level is...adequate.
Put in
Take out
Aapo hienon möläyksen "tupla droppi" linjalla. Double-drop line |
Tommi Grönfjellågan luiskassa Fun slide |
Joen luonnetta/ character of the river |
Leiripaikka löytyy take outista Camp site at take- out |
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